Author Archives: Sally

Renting Extras with RV’s


If you haven’t tried a motorhome holiday then you really should. There is something unique and liberating about touring this way. It is possible to visit numerous destinations without the need to pack and unpack and lodging in a campsite puts you in the heart of the great outdoors. Driving the vehicles is surprisingly easy and you soon get used to hooking up your utilities but I do have one cautionary note. When you rent your vehicle you will be offered a variety of extras which may look appealing but which you will often find are not available when you arrive. Continue reading

Flying With Small Children

I have never had to travel with small children but my recent visits to airports have demonstrated to me just how difficult that is. It was my skiing trip over the festive period that highlighted how easy I had it in comparison to the many parents who were struggling in the airport. Continue reading

The Pension Dilemma

Every so often the issue of pensions raises its head above the parapet only to drop off the news map again for a few months. Pensions are the ultimate political hot potato. They are a huge problem but doing anything to tackle the situation is going to alienate voters at an unprecedented rate. Why? Because solving the pension nightmare is going to involve relieving people of more of their income and that might well be political suicide. Unfortunately ignoring the problem is storing up a major disaster for the future so who is going to be brave enough to make changes in time? Continue reading

Pitfalls with Travel Insurance

We all know that we should invest in travel insurance and most of us are sensible enough to buy it but how many of us take the time to read the small print on our policies? With enormous tomes that would rival War and Peace the prospect of wading through every clause is not an appealing one but doing so could save us from big trouble later on. Given the amount of publicity that insurance has garnered most travellers will be aware of issues with pre-existing health conditions and cover for the elderly but there are all sorts of less obvious pitfalls lurking in that small print. Continue reading

The Most Disappointing Tourist Attraction

I realise that if you are a frequent traveller it is all too easy to underestimate the attractions of your own country and to take many things for granted. Familiarity can certainly breed contempt and so I am always careful to try to appreciate what Britain has to offer and always attempt to experience every destination through the eyes of a visitor who is unfamiliar with our history, architecture and countryside. Despite this there is one supremely famous and revered place that I simply cannot get excited about – Stonehenge. Continue reading

Watch What You Put in Your Hand Luggage at Christmas


With the festive season approaching airports and airlines are issuing warnings reminding passengers to think carefully about what they pack, especially in their hand luggage. Christmas journeys see travellers packing all sorts of things which they would not normally consider taking on holiday and inevitably some passengers fall foul of security regulations, often with what appear to be innocent items. Continue reading

A Night of Magic

You shouldn’t decide whether you like magic shows or not until you have seen a big production in Las Vegas. I have always loved magicians and so I inevitably head for one of the shows and I have found that even cynics enjoy the experience. We all know there is no such thing as magic and sometimes we even know how the trick is done but the top performers are so skilled that it is their execution of the art that is so fascinating. Continue reading

Death Valley in a Day

I still smile when I think of my first visit to Death Valley. Just the name was enough to intimidate me and I was well aware of the place’s reputation for extreme temperatures and all the dangers they bring. With visions of an early death from dehydration in the desert I set off from Las Vegas with the aim of seeing Death Valley in a day. It was an ambitious plan to say the least as the valley covers some 3000 square miles but with little traffic on the roads a tour of the highlights appeared possible. Continue reading

Covent Garden

I am a frequent visitor to London and am well used to all of the principle sights but one place that I always seem to find myself is Covent Garden. The site of the old fruit and veg market is now a place of many delights for both tourists and Londoners alike and I for one find it difficult to stay away for too long. Continue reading

The Miracle of Flight


I am always amazed that any flight manages to get off the ground at all let alone on time when you look at the antics of many of the passengers. It is incredible how the simple act of traversing an airport and boarding an aircraft is turned into an epic to rival Lord of the Rings by some people for whom life is just a major complication. Continue reading