Tag Archives: holidays

Motorhome Madness


Whilst many people deem caravans to be uncool, motorhomes seem to pass muster on the street cred front. Nonetheless motorhome ownership in the UK is still relatively limited probably because few people have sufficient space at their homes to keep such a vehicle and because fuel costs have been high in recent years. They aren’t cheap either! If you can’t afford your own motorhome then you can always rent one and I would thoroughly recommend that you do because travelling with your holiday home behind you is an absolute joy! Continue reading

Holidays for the Menopausal Woman

The menopause will typically give a woman plenty to think about. It is the end of an era that can actually also feel like the beginning of the end and there are many inconveniences to be accommodated. These can have a serious impact on a holiday and so women of a certain age may have to carefully consider their travel plans and I should know because I am just such a woman. Continue reading

The Worst Destinations in the World

I am feeling extremely offended. Buyagift.co.uk has unveiled Hatebreaks, a list of the worse travel destinations in the world and my former home is featured in the catalogue of shame.  I lived in the Toxteth district of Liverpool and am shocked to find that it is apparently one of the worst places on the planet to visit but it really isn’t! Continue reading