Travelling With Kids – Keeping them Happy on the Journey


We all know that travelling with kids can be a nightmare.  If they get bored and become restless they can really play up and finding themselves in a strange place or even a different country can be very disorientating and stressful.  If you want to avoid tantrums in the car or a disrupted flight then there are some things you can do to improve your chances.

Get the Kids Engaged

One of the biggest problems for kids when travelling, particularly very young children, is not understanding what is going on or feeling out of their comfort zone. If it is you who has booked the holiday, made the arrangements and packed their things, they have had no involvement in any stage of the process and may feel like they have not had choices. Start engaging them in the process from the very beginning by explaining why you think the destination is a good one and what great things there are for them to see and do there. Ask them what things they would particularly like to take with them and let them help you pack their case or bag.  Make sure they are aware of everything that will happen on each stage of the journey and how long it will take.

Travel Items

You can engage the kids further in the whole adventure if you invest in some child friendly luggage that they will find fun. Take a look at the funky cases from Trunki or Cuties and Pals for inspiration. Take things further by making them feel a little more grown up by getting them their own vanity case or toilet bag. This lovely case is particularly appealing. If the kids get something new to take away with them they may be more attracted to the whole experience of travel!


Make sure your kids have got plenty to do on the journey. This might sound obvious but it is quite common to see kids running riot on planes and trains because they have nothing to do or their parents have selected only one option which they do not find appealing at the time! Take along a few different things to occupy the kids.  If you have a tablet, small games console or laptop they can watch their favourite movies or play games but include some toys and creative things like colouring books too. If they have drawing books then encourage them to draw things related to the trip. This will get them looking around and learning about the process of travelling. The more they understand about what is happening the more relaxed they will feel.

Happy Days

Kids play up on journeys simply because they are bored, feel they have not had choices or don’t understand what is happening. If your kids have been occupied throughout the journey and understand everything that is going on they should enjoy the travelling experience. If this is the case they will be more relaxed and better behaved giving you the chance to enjoy the trip too!