Tag Archives: liverpool

The Worst Destinations in the World

I am feeling extremely offended. Buyagift.co.uk has unveiled Hatebreaks, a list of the worse travel destinations in the world and my former home is featured in the catalogue of shame.  I lived in the Toxteth district of Liverpool and am shocked to find that it is apparently one of the worst places on the planet to visit but it really isn’t! Continue reading

Strange British Customs

When travelling abroad as well as exploring new ground and learning about other cultures I always find it fascinating to hear how other people view Great Britain. It never ceases to amaze me what features of my homeland attract the most interest and what a bizarre vision of life over here some people have. This is particularly true of Americans, many of whom seem to believe that we all live in chocolate box cottages, travel everywhere in red buses and always go to work in bowler hats. Continue reading